BAcj and Better Than Ever
After a two-year hiatus, the famed Design Week Addis Ababa has returned to showcase the art
of innovation and creativity in Ethiopia. This year’s activities will be happening at various locations around the city, from November 21st -27th.
For those new to the international concept of Design Week, this is a welcome opportunity to
experience ingenuity and get familiar. The multidisciplinary event coordinates local and global designers, artists, artisans and entrepreneurs, blending creativity and commerce in the most interesting and unexpected ways. First debuting in 2015, DWAA was forced to take a slight pause from its schedule, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, founder and creative director Metasebia Yoseph was not deterred, merely determined to reboot the festival, to enhance its creative and cultural offerings to fit a post-pandemic world .
Design Week 2022 attendees should expect a diverse lineup of week-long programming.
For the full schedule of events or more information: scan the QR code
or visit