Buna Qalla: A Coffee Drink From Guji

Buna Qalla is a sacred drink made of dried
whole-bean coffee that is served to distinguished guests (the Abaa Gaddas) in the Guji Zone of Ethiopia. This treasured drink is also the best gift mothers can offer at ordination ceremonies, when visiting mothers after giving birth or even when visiting relatives in other villages and townships.

Buna Qala is prepared by the senior women of the society who possess knowledge of the culture and the hierarchy. Youngsters of the society are expected to assist and learn the process.

The harvested coffee cherries are sun-dried over a specially designed rack for up to 15 days. They are left in sunlight twice a day, morning and late afternoon occasionally tested by hand to check if it has dried evenly. The beans are then peeled depending on the number of guests or the amount of coffee and other ingredients already prepared. Next, the beans are roasted for 7 to 12 minutes with honey and butter, constantly stirred. After cooling, the beans and milk are poured together into a clay bowl and served to distinguished guests, heads of the community or the Abba Gaddas. Blessings are given by the Abba Gaddas before the guests start chewing.

This is a joyful event observed by all members of the community. Before the Abba Gaddas leave, mothers prepare a takeaway package of Bunna Qalla in a mudunu, a cylindrical container made of ox horn and leather.
After drinking and chewing the dark roasted coffee beans of Buna Qalla, adee (the traditional toothbrushes made from a root) are used to clean the teeth of any coffee bean remnants.

Tajur Tamirayehu, Certified Barista & Cupper
Email: tujartamirayehu@gmail.com
Mob: +251 9 11 81 88 34

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