Mourning The Loss Of Teferi Assefa, Musician And Musicologist

News about Teferi Assefa’s sudden death was met with tremendous shock and sadness. Social media is flooded with personal recollections of what Teferi meant to …

Embracing The Raw Essence Of Design

“A product is glorified and embraced by the individual elements that make it whole.” Design, at its core, is an expression of intent—a reflection of …

Waljaalladhaa Foundation: Uplifting The Remote Dogano Community

The Waljaalladhaa Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of the Dogano Community by focusing on education and providing access to basic necessities. Established in …

Lovegrass Ethiopia Producing Teff Products

Yonas Alemu, founder of Lovegrass Ethiopia, has successfully introduced teff-based products to international markets, including teff pasta in Italy.Yonas was born and raised in a …

A Piece Of Advice

The most amazing person in life is you. 150 years ago, there lived a strong woman called Yequaque Wordwot, who defied all rules underestimating women …

Naomi Girma: From College Football To Chelsea’s Record-Breaking Defender

Naomi Girma has made history as the most expensive female footballer in the world. The 24-year-old defender’s £900,000 transfer from San Diego Wave to Chelsea …

Healthy Oatmeal Pancakes

INGREDIENTS  RECIPE 1 Oat flakes 1.5 cups (150 g) Apple 1 pc (250 g) Milk 1.5 cups (300 ml) Eggs 2 Olive oil RECIPE 2 …

Traditional Cascara Brewing: A Unique Coffee Cherry Beverage

Cascara, meaning “husk” in Spanish, is the dried outer skin of coffee cherries. While coffee beans are the most valued part of the fruit, cascara …

Jomo Tariku: Acclaimed Furniture Designer

Ethiopian-American furniture designer, Jomo Tariku grew up in Kenya; he sketched pictures of unique furniture that his diplomat father brought home from his trips around …

Transform Your Workplace Wellness With Wudassie Diagnostic Center!

Wudassie Diagnostic Center is committed to enhancing the health and well-being of employees and community members through its tailored wellness packages. Their offerings aim to …
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