African Busara Gaming Championship

Busara, What's Out Addis

What is Busara? Busara is a futuristic pan-African analog game that was inspired by Afrca’s past and tried to envision Africa’s future. Busara was created to depict the African essence and the game envisions to be the game from Africa to the entire world. It is a strategic game that is accessible to everyone. It was made by Enter Africa, a pan-African creative organization initiated by the (German) Goethe-Institut in Addis Ababa and spans across 16 African countries with a
vision of enhancing the living conditions of African people by creating a gaming ecosystem that represents African culture and reimagines African futures.
The Busara Championships aims to foster a healthy, knowledge and skill centered, community bonding platform, in order to encourage youth engagement and establish a fully self-sustainable job creation platform and provide a productive and enjoyable pass-time for the youth and society. The first phase of this initiative aims to do so by using one existing widely played, popular community game (‘joteni’), one collectively created Pan-African strategic game (‘busara’) and one digital re-invented cultural African game (gebeta) and by creating an ongoing annual tournament that would last the whole year. At the beginning, the tournament will bring together eight teams from each game format, with more than 60 players and people from all walks of life including the privileged, the less fortunate, the homeless and more without any discriminations. This teams will meet up on a weekly basis in a league format.
Enter Africa, a project that created 15 games and 200+ members with 15 different African countries that eventually created the true African game Busara.
Busara championship is a gaming event that is one of its kind, it will run in a league format spanning over 6 months where teams come face to face and compete monthly. It aims to foster a healthy, knowledge and skill centred, community bonding platform, to encourage youth engagement and establish a fully self-sustainable job creation platform and provide a productive and enjoyable pass-time for the youth and society.

Championship kickoff (Launch) June 19, 2021
League timeline July-October 2021
League matches 1st Saturday of every month
League final-October 30, 2021

For more information about the Championship, please contact,
Kirubel Samuel