Thriving Addis Ababa Tennis Club

It is more than likely that not many people know that there is a thriving and long-established tennis club in the heart of the city (next to the Ghion Hotel)! The Addis Ababa Tennis Club hosts local and international tennis tournaments offering substantial prize money. 

These events, jointly organized by the Ethiopian Tennis Federation, Abdella Nedim Organization, and Addis Ababa Tennis Club, have attracted participants from over 29 countries, including the United States, Canada, Brazil, and countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 

Established in 1970 during the reign of the Emperor, the Addis Ababa Tennis Club has since become a prestigious hub for over 225 members. Historical records and eyewitness accounts reveal that the club flourished during the reign of the emperor, but its activity dwindled in subsequent years. Presently, the Tennis Club features four competition courts and a practice court and is open to both members and non-members for a day pass. However, it is preferred that interested players become annual members.

What is particularly inspiring about the Club is their support of poor children living in and around the local community. The Club not only gives them free tennis (and soccer) tuition but also pays for school fees and feeds them too. Several sponsored students have gone on to become excellent players even competing internationally. There is also a very popular Saturday kids program open to all children which includes tennis development and training for tournaments, soccer and aerobics.

The club is in the process of establishing a social media presence but for any inquiries both in Amharic and English you can contact Henok (+251911209405) or stop by for a visit:

Ras Desta Damtew Steet; across the street from the Stadium 5 outdoor clay courts


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