Lal: The Honey Company

Lal, The Honey Company is not a commodity -it’s a culture and is a duly registered indigenous company in Ethiopia favored for providing pure Ethiopian honey varieties for local and international customers. Lal means honey. The name Lal, originates from Lalibela.

Legend has it that the name Lalibela – meaning “He eats Honey” in Agew, one of the many languages of Ethiopia – was given to King Lalibela (1181 to 1221) by his mother when she observed a swarm of bees surrounding him as a baby and recognized it as sign of his future reign as the Emperor of Ethiopia. Honey traditionally has always held a special place in Ethiopian culture for thousands of years, whether as an article of trade in the past, as a gift during marriages, as medicine or as an important ingredient used to make the honey mead drink known as Tej.

Since the company’s establishment in 2017, Lal has been at the forefront of promoting the many varieties of Ethiopian honey and the many communities each variety is harvested from. Ethiopia is endowed with various climatic conditions and agro-ecologies making it home to some of the most diverse flora and fauna. Ethiopia hosts the largest number of honeybees in Africa around 10 million honeybee colonies thus making Ethiopia the leading producer of honey in Africa. The search for the most delicious honey varieties takes Lal to the many corners of Ethiopia – where honey characteristics are unique to the environment, climate and flora. Depending on the region, Ethiopian honey ranges  from white, yellow, red to dark brown in color; smooth, creamy, grainy or firm or sweet, flowery to smoky in aroma and flavor. Lal is committed to collecting and packing the purest and the most unique varieties of Ethiopian honey directly from the source.

To make one pound of honey, the bees in the colony must visit 2 million flowers, fly over 55,000 miles and will be the lifetime work of approximately 768 bees! Find our honey from places around Addis – contact us for more information.

+251 92 245 1070

+251 93 010 5477

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