Misrach Centre – A Social Enterprise

Victor Penner works for the Mission Am Nil’s Misrach Center – the nation’s leading vocational training center for people with physical disabilities. The Misrach Center offers 300 training and work placements at two locations. All offers are designed to promote the skills of people with a disability as much as possible and to lead them into an independent life. They learn to focus not on their deficits but on their potential. The deaf employees of the carpenter’s workshop recently manufactured and installed shelves and cupboards for the new school building.

The Misrach Centre is a school of apprenticeship and rehabilitation for the blind, deaf-mute and disabled. In 1982, the Swiss Evangelical Mission established the Misrach Centre (MC) in collaboration with the Agency for Rehabilitation and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MOLSA).

Almost 40 years later, not only is Misrach a handicraft training and rehab center for persons with disabilities but they also sell delightful handmade crafts, household items and children’s toys all produced by disabled individuals. Hand-made bags, sweaters, stuffed toys, puzzles and seasonal cards. The Misrach Centre is a great place to purchase ethical toys, furnishings and other handicrafts made from local materials.  Stop by at their café for a light bite within the Centre.

Open Monday – Saturday, 8:30 AM-Noon and 1:00-4:00 PM.

Tel: 011-123-4528.

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