Meskel Square is know most notably for the annual Meskel celebration every Sept 27th – long ago it was an actual green square but as more cars appeared on the roads, a junction of vehicles crisscrossing from all directions took precedence. Prior to the new development, Meskel Square was also known however for impromptu football matches and joggers at all times of the day as well as people just hanging out; renamed Revolution Square for a period during the Derg period. It is probably considered the most famous square in Addis even though it isn’t really a square anymore!
Today, the area is officially known as the Meskel Square Municipality Rehabilitation project and part of Prime Minister Abiy’s Greening of Addis beautification project. There are around 5,000 Chinese and Ethiopian construction workers and it still resembles a construction site within a deep crater but when completed (no date confirmed yet although it is more than half way completed), it will contain an artificial lake, moveable trees, artificial lights and a massive underground parking lot to accommodate vehicles (1,400) of anticipated visitors. The design will have vehicles travelling under the surface of the square leaving the ground level free for pedestrians.. The project will also include six LED screens and around 30 retail shops, a library, café and restaurants and statues which are registered by UNESCO highlighting the cultures and traditions of all the nations and nationalities within Ethiopia. It will offer both retail and recreation aimed at people of all ages to come and spend the day enjoying their time.
Although the construction has been undertaken by the Chinese, the whole complex design was created by three Ethiopian architects.