Profile: Negussie Toye Dribssa 1965-2020 Ornithologist, Ethiopia

Negussie Toye Dribssa was my neighbour. When we first moved he was always in remote parts of Ethiopia, ‘searching for a bird’. On finally meeting him he took us on a wonderful bird watching walk, first explaining what we might see, given the landscape, climate, and season. On stopping to listen to a cacophony of birdsong Negussie could identify every species.

Negussie was born 55 years ago in a remote mountainous part of Shewa, west Ethiopia surrounded by nature and birds. After gaining two degrees from Addis Ababa University first in English literature and linguistics then management he worked for Experience Ethiopia Travel. On noticing an interest from tourists in birds he realised he could turn his passion into his job. To learn more he studied at Rutland Ornithology Institute in England, an important part of his journey to becoming one of the leading bird watching tour guides and experts in Ethiopia.

Back in Addis Ababa he moved to Rainbow Travel before realising his dream of opening his own bird watching tour company. In 2008 Nurgi Birding Ethiopia was born; a company, which celebrates, protects and values birdlife in Ethiopia through tourism. Supporting this dream Negussie joined the Ethiopian wildlife and Nature Society, and became chairman of The Society of Tour Operators in Addis for two years, taking members on bird watching field trips.

Whilst Nurgi Birding Ethiopia grew, taking visitors from all over the world around Ethiopia; their itineraries based on lists of birds to find, sometimes reaching into the hundreds, Negussie never forgot one of his key aims; protecting birds. The Liben Lark is Negussie’s favourite bird, a tiny brown lark found on the Liben plains in the Ethiopian Somali Region. But the Liben Lark is critically endangered. Becoming a representative of UK organization Birdlife International, Negussie used his fluency in Oromifa, Amharic and English to work in the field with close colleagues helping protect the species. The last trip he took before falling ill in spring 2019 was for this project; aiming to save his beloved Liben Lark.

Negussie Toye Dribssa died at home in May 2020 surrounded by close family. He is survived by his wife Abeba Nigatu Yeshineh and two children Feraol and Robera Negussie Toye. Nurgi Birding Ethiopia will continue to be a company run by experts, trained by Negussie for many years, continuing his dream of respecting, protecting and celebrating Ethiopian birdlife through tourism.

For more information about Nurgi Birding Ethiopia:

For more information about saving the Liben Lark:

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